When I used to nap

There was a time I would wake up looking forward to my nap later that day. Just all of a sudden I stopped taking my daily naps. Don’t get me wrong, I completely miss them and I’ve been reflecting recently as to what happened. The Summer of 2015 is when it all began… I remember waking…

Never been so ready!

There always comes a time that you just have to make that first step towards something that feels weird, scary or in some sort of way always needed to be done. Just coming off vacation in Vegas and the few days/week it took to get back in a routine.  It’s crazy to think about how…

I can’t stop drinking!

My drinking problem is getting really serious. With the temperatures being in the 90s the past few weeks in the Pacific Northwest I can’t get enough water. Even though I start and finish my day with a glass of water the hot heat makes me want it even more. We all know that water is…

Who’s ready for a challenge?

It’s that time of year when sweets and things along that nature become the norm with Halloween right around the corner. What better time than to start a 21 day no processed sugar challenge. I know you’re probably thinking “No candy on Halloween?” Exactly! Sugar is an highly addictive drug that controls our everyday lifestyle…

Not Falling for it!

It’s crazy to think that fall and October are fast approaching us. Summer is truly one of my favorite seasons but this year I am really looking to the fall and winter. Crazy, I know, but I’m excited to change things up in all aspects of my life. One area that I really want and…

Fall back into the Routine

What was it that made you stop going to the gym ,seeing your trainer, watching what you eat or drink,or even taking that walk that you always enjoyed? No one likes to get off track. The key is preparing yourself and taking action. The only person who can do that is you!  It’s easy to…