Never been so ready!

IMG_20150913_183426There always comes a time that you just have to make that first step towards something that feels weird, scary or in some sort of way always needed to be done.

Just coming off vacation in Vegas and the few days/week it took to get back in a routine.  It’s crazy to think about how long it takes for the body to adjust back from being away. I love that refreshing feeling of sleeping in your own bed and taking that first home shower 🙌

My mind has been constantly wondering on how I can change things up l within my daily routine. What I love about getting away is that you can reflect on things that you really don’t get a chance to at home. Especially when most of us just go through the motions. Why don’t we take more mental vacations or just a vacation in general?

Vacations are almost like New year’s resolutions when you realize what needs adjusting in your life. I know that this can be so many things to all of us. Quit drinking, start exercising, stop smoking, eat better, see the world, be better in our relationships , get more sleep …the list can go on. Whatever it may be we somehow feel that there is something or someone holding us back. In many instances there are roadblocks in the way of our journey called “Life” but hey it’s a part of the plan. The one thing that I have been learning along the way is that the only person that can hold me back is “Me” and the time has come to take a step forward.

Change and opportunity are out there. It’s up to us as individuals to jump at the moment.

What’s holding you back?


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